“Because individuals with mental illness are overrepresented within populations experiencing homelessness, they are disproportionately affected by ordinances, like the ones at issue in this litigation, that address homelessness through criminal enforcement…
“Criminal citations – including those arising from the criminalization of homelessness – disproportionately and negatively impact individuals with mental illness. Camping ordinances and so-called “sit-lie” laws impose criminal penalties for sleeping, sitting, or lying in public spaces.32 The effects of a criminal citation under such ordinances can be serious. Having a criminal record adds barriers to employment, stable housing, and government benefits.33 Fines and other legal fees can also exacerbate financial instability and further compromise housing stability. A study of people experiencing homelessness in Seattle found that individuals with outstanding legal debt spent approximately two more years without stable housing than those without legal debt.”
The Supreme Court will decide what cities can do about tent encampments – Vox