The Dirty Business of Clean Blood – Matt Stoller/BIG
“We have given the power of life or death over more than half a million people to two dialysis monopolies, DaVita and Fresenius. A non-compete ban could change that.”
Dialysis: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver – HBO/YouTube
Related information:
Monopoly rent – Wiki: “Monopoly rent refers to those economic rents derived from monopolies, which can result from (1) denial of access to an asset or (2) the unique qualities of an asset.[20] Examples of monopoly rent include: rents associated from legally enforced knowledge monopolies derived from intellectual property like patents or copyrights; rents associated with ‘de facto’ monopolies of companies like Microsoft and Intel who control the underlying standards in an industry or product line (e.g. Microsoft Office); rents associated with ‘natural monopolies’ of public or private utilities (e.g. telephone, electricity, railways, etc.); and rents associated with network effects of platform technologies controlled by companies like Facebook, Google, or Amazon.”
Choice of types of dialysis – Mayo
How Much Does Dialysis Cost With Medicare – Medicare Talk
Low income, community poverty and risk of end stage renal disease – BMC Nephrology: “In conclusion, as compared to annual family income, geospatially-linked measures of community poverty have little relation with risk of ESRD. Efforts to mitigate socioeconomic disparities in CKD may be best appropriated at the individual level.”
The kidney transplant waitlist: “Most people in the United States wait about 4 years to get a kidney from the waitlist. Some people wait longer. The average wait time will vary depending on which transplant center you register with – it could be anywhere from 4 months to more than 6 years.”