Incompetent Elites Make Trump Look Appealing – John Cochrane/Real Clear Politics/WSJ
“Why are these voters inclined toward Mr. Trump? Well, there is no better way to stick it to the elites than to vote for the man who drives them most crazy.
“This election isn’t about employment, spending promises or 12-point policy plans. Voters everywhere want the basic institutions of American society and government to return to a semblance of apolitical competence. Warren Harding’s “return to normalcy” after the first Progressive Era might be a good slogan.
“What should Nikki Haley do? Show that she understands this deep frustration. Explain how she will fix the country’s institutions and why Mr. Trump won’t or can’t. What should Mr. Trump do? Understand that this election isn’t about him. He is but the vessel for these voters’ hopes for their country. His personal vendettas will keep him from office.
“What should Democrats do? Listen. Stop screaming your talking points and hyperventilating that Mr. Trump is a dictator in waiting. Stop falling into the obvious trap. Mr. Trump is gifted at provoking ridiculous overreaction from his opponents. You promised moderation, openness, conciliation and simple competence. You delivered the opposite. It is still possible to acknowledge, listen and pivot.”
There’s truth to the thrust of Cochrane’s argument but disagree with some of his examples, particularly whether elites were responsible for problems encountered by coverage expansion in the ACA. Republicans committed a form of policy malpractice be trying to gut Obamacare without offering an alternative to getting everyone coverage and controlling costs.
Far-right Israel minister suggests Trump would be better for Israel than Biden – Politico
Be careful what you wish for. DT tweets one thing in the middle of the night, the opposite the morning after…
Has DT crossed the line into delirium tremens?