“For Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, taxing the rich more to help support the poor is ‘as much of a no-brainer policy as I have ever seen.’ The dean of Wall Street CEOs has spoken, and he says the wealthy aren’t paying their fair share in taxes—sort of. It’s all about the earned income tax credit, or EITC, which is the wonky and complicated way that Congress has figured out how to help people under the complicated U.S. tax code.”
Tax the rich: This is Vermont’s plan to raise taxes on its wealthiest residents – msn
If you tax the rich, they won’t leave: US data contradicts millionaires’ threats – Guardian
“When millionaires do move, they admittedly tend to favour lower-tax states over higher-tax ones – but only marginally so. Around 15% of interstate millionaire migrations bring a net tax advantage. The other 85% have no net tax impact for the movers.”