Despite U.S. pressure on Israel, casualty count in Gaza remains high – msn/WaPost
“The Biden administration, Israel’s closest ally and main arms provider, has appeared unable or unwilling to exert meaningful influence over how the Israeli military conducts the war. Although the United States has been at the forefront of efforts to get aid to Palestinians in Gaza and gain the release of hostages held there, its dual role as Israel’s leading defender against an increasingly hostile world has met with escalating international and domestic criticism and demands for an immediate cease-fire.”
Despite Biden Administration jawboning, the Netanyahu government, in words and actions, continues pursuing security goals involving the destruction of Gaza and decimation and displacement is its population as it fights Hamas. If US is serious about protecting civilians, it should cut off military aid to Israel. The UN should consider sending an armed force to establish a safe zone in Gaza where humanitarian aid can be airlifted and distributed. A UN peacekeeping force also may be needed to stabilize Gaza in the aftermath of the conflict. It’s highly unlikely that the current combatants can do that. If the US were to veto UN intervention necessary to stop civilian killing and keep the peace, there is a strong argument that the UN should be reorganized or replaced by a new international organization with adequate authority and means to do so.