Pro-Palestinian Protests Break Out Worldwide – Fox
A nation’s ‘right to exist’ is contingent upon recognizing its neighbors’ right to exist. Otherwise, it has no right to exist other than what physical force can render.
Norway calls Israel response ‘disproportionate’ in latest remarks from a NATO nation – UPI
Australian minister supports raising Palestinian flag in Australia – Jerusalem Post
Western Journalists Have Palestinian Blood on Their Hands – Nation
Israeli Government’s Choices and Their Depiction in Media – LAP
Nat Turner’s slave rebellion – Wiki
Dear US, Israeli, and other world leaders: Nat Turner and his followers committed atrocities during an 1831 slave rebellion in Virginia. Do you think that the slaves who killed whites indiscriminately were solely responsible for what they did? Or did their treatment by American society and the governments of the US and Virginia contribute to causing the killings? How did the ruling society react? How did the antebellum press portray what happened?
Research question: What did US slave owners do with slaves who were too disabled or old to work? How did their treatment differ from, or resemble, the treatment of white people? Family members and relatives of slave owners? Poor whites that did not own slaves? Plantation animals?