Settlers from flashpoint West Bank settlement said to torch Palestinian field – Times of Israel
“Footage shared by the organization showed masked settlers standing on a hilltop as flames and smoke engulfed the fields, before slowly walking back toward the settlement. No arrests were made, as is largely the case in incidents of settler violence. Indictments are more scarce and convictions are even rarer…”
Aren’t the masks a charming touch? Take their land. Cut off their water. More work product from the government of a US client state whose racist policies the House of Representatives saluted as it clicked its heels in an almost unanimous vote earlier this month.
BTW – Times of Israel – Bias and Credibility
“Overall, we rate the Times of Israel Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that slightly favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.”